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Learn Piano with HTH

Point 1





Point 1

Learn just what you want to play.

1 lesson (40mins) is only 1000yen including the cost to visit your place!

Point 2





   "I don't have time to go to piano school". "I don't have much money to learn but I just wanna play this song". "I want to learn piano but there's no English-speaking piano teacher around me". No problem. As long as you live in Nagoya, I will visit your place and teach you how to play! Just prepare your own score. Since you can quit as soon as you can play by yourself, you can graduate only after 1 lesson.

​ 初心者大歓迎です。YouTube等に音源があれば、それを元にあなたのレベルに合わせた楽譜を作成いたします。(※楽譜作成料別途1曲500円)楽譜が読めなくても、「ドレミ」で書いた楽譜も作成可能です。HTHは「始めやすさ」がモットーです。まずはお気軽にご連絡ください!

Point 2

I can't read score...

No piano experience...

I have no score...

No worries!

 HTH welcomes piano-beginners! Even if you don't have the score but there's the music on YouTube, I can make the score for you! (Require 500yen to make your own score) You can't understand scores? No problem. I will just make a simple score like a guitar-core score.

お申し込み方法 (How to start)

​(日本語) 1. まずはページ下の「お問い合わせフォーム」またはhth.0to1@gmail.comあてに


2. メッセージ確認後、レッスンの可否をお伝えします。可能であれば、続けて電話番号と初回レッスン希望日を確認します。お支払いは初回レッスン日(現金払い)楽天銀行口座へのお振込みのどちらかお選びいただけます。(※楽天銀行への振込みを希望の方は、口座を指定しますので初回レッスン日までにお振込みお願いします。)

3. 当日、お会いできるのを楽しみにしております。万が一、レッスン日・時間を変更したい、キャンセルされる場合は当日2時間前までに電話かメールでお問い合わせください。

(English) 1. Send e-mail to about Your name, your e-mail address, your home address, the song you want to learn, whether you have the score or not, your piano experience, the day and time you want to learn. 

2. After check your message, I will judge whether I can teach you this time. If yes, let me know your phone number and the date you request for the first lesson. Pay me in cash at the first day of lesson. 

3. I'm looking forward to seeing you at your house! If you want to chenge the date, time, or cancel, call me or send a message two hours before your lesson.

​レッスン可能時間 (Lesson's availably)

月(Mon)ー木(Thu) No class 

金(Fri)ー日(Sun) 10:00-18:00


E-mail HTH freely to book your lesson or know further details. Make sure to reply your message within 24 hours.

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